How To Install a Freestanding Wine Cooler?
Freestanding wine coolers are designed to be used as stand alone appliances only and should not be built in to cabinets under any circumstances. This is because a freestanding unit requires constant cool air flow to operate correctly.
Installing a Freestanding Wine Cooler
How much ventilation does a freestanding wine cooler need?
A freestanding wine cabinet needs at least 3-5 inches of clear space around the sides and the back of the unit.
Freestanding units should not be covered over head by counter tops or walls. The top of freestanding units is where warm air escapes and therefore if a freestanding unit is used under a counter top or in an enclosed space over head then this will negate the manufacturer warranty.
This is to ensure fresh, cool air can circulate around the unit and also so warm air that has been emitted from the wine cooler can escape. This will ensure the unit operates optimally by correctly regulating the temperature inside and out.
Can I put a freestanding wine cooler in a cabinet ?
Freestanding wine cooler should not be built into cabinets under any circumstances. This is because these units do not have the ability to draw in air from anywhere unlike a built in wine cooler which draws in cool air from a vent at the front of the unit.
A lack of suitable air flow around a freestanding unit could lead to reduced performance ( for example an inaccurate / unstable temperature inside the unit ) and ultimately this may result in the appliance overheating.
Can a freestanding wine cooler be installed under the counter?
As above, a freestanding wine cooler should not be installed under the counter as this will also inhibit the airflow around the appliance leading to unwanted performance and potentially product breakdown.

It's important to note you should always follow the manufacturers instructions and guidelines carefully before and during installation a freestanding wine cabinet.