Wine fridges generate noise of 35-45 decibels (dB). Kitchen appliances like a standard kitchen fridge make a noise of 35-38 dB.
So they do make slightly more noise than regular refrigerators, although newer wine fridge models are much quieter.
Why Is My Wine Fridge Making Noise?
We've included a table below to help you compare the dB noise of a wine cooler with other reference dB noise levels:
The sound generated by your wine cooler depends on a variety of factors like whether it's a built in wine cooler or freestanding but ultimately it will come down to the quality of its construction.
Wine coolers that are made using low quality components are more likely to emit noise than more advanced, expensive models that come with more efficient energy classifications.
While many people might not have an issue with some background noise, others can find it distracting.
Here, we will look at a few of the main causes of wine cooler noise and take you through a few of the ways that you can try to combat and even solve the issue.
3 Reasons Why Your Wine Fridge Is Humming Loudly
A wine cooler operates using a number of parts that are continually in motion to keep your wine at the right temperature.
These parts are what causes the wine coolers to produce the noise they do:
1. The Fan Causing Your Wine Cooler to Make a Buzzing Noise
Electric fans are essential components that work to circulate a constant, stable flow of air within the wine cooler.
They also help to maintain a balanced temperature of the wine cabinet and this desired temperature will depend entirely on the kind of wine you will be storing.
Due to the way that these fans move, they are naturally susceptible to producing noise. This sound resembles a desk fan, which essentially functions in the exact same way.
The number of fans your wine cooler has will depend on its size, and generally speaking, the more fans a wine cooler has, the noisier it's going to be.
This is something you will want to consider before purchasing a wine cooler, especially if noise is something that bothers you.
Another important thing to note is that the dual temperature zone wine coolers will require more fans than the regular single temperature zone wine coolers.
This is because there is a need to evenly circulate air around two separate cooling chambers that require to be kept at two different temperatures.
Your fan may also be exhibiting much more noise than expected because it is improperly aligned.
Also, if the fan is dirty or if there is something blocking its movement, these can be reasons for unpleasant humming sounds generated while it attempts to spin (and hits against the fan housing - making more noise).
2. The Starter Making Noise
The starter is the component of the wine cooler that triggers a signal when the temperature drifts out of its desired range.
When this happens, the starter will produce a repetitive clicking noise that will work to re-boot the cooling system within the wine cabinet.
The reason for this to happen is typical because there is an internal issue such as insufficient ventilation or a blocked compressor that is preventing the fridge from cooling down.
If you have checked out the wine cooler and it seems that nothing is of issue, there may be a slightly more deep-rooted problem such as a lack of power or a leak.
You should refer to the appliance handbook to try and understand why you are hearing this noise, but if you are still unsure, it is always best to contact the manufacturer.
3. The Compressor Is Making A Loud Humming Noise
The compressor is a device that is typically found at the bottom or back of your wine cooler that is responsible for powering the heat and cold exchange cycle of the wine cabinet.
Usually, compressors are mounted on top of rubber or silicone bases which both work to reduce vibrations but as a result, tend to give off a deep humming noise.
Luckily, compressors do not function continuously, so whilst they are responsible for producing noise, that noise is not very frequent at all.
3 Ways To Make Your Wine Cooler Quieter
Whilst the noise output from wine coolers is more or less unavoidable, there are several things you can do to try and reduce its severity.
Once you get to the source of the noise, you will be able to decide how to try and combat the issue, whether that’s by altering it's positioning, installing acoustic materials within your home, or inviting a specialist to take a look.
1. Change The Position Of Your Wine Cooler
One thing you can do to try and fundamentally reduce the noise of your wine cooler is to adjust its positioning. Freestanding wine fridges are more likely to emit noise than wine coolers integrated within your furniture.
Check out our floor standing wine coolers
For this reason, we would suggest considering having the wine cooler built amongst the other appliances of your kitchen too or even within a larder in your lounge.
The sounds given off from a wine cooler are similar to those given off from a regular refrigerator, but because regular refrigerators are typically built into cabinets, the sound they produce is often absorbed.
So, you may want to consider positioning your wine cooler in a similar way.
If you do choose to do this, it is important to ensure that there is enough room behind the cooler so that the air circulation or front ventilation isn’t compromised in any way.
2. Install Sound Absorbing Materials
Another way you can try to combat the noise emitted from wine coolers is to install acoustic friendly materials in your home.
If your home is open plan or built with lightweight construction, it is likely that you will be more susceptible to hearing noises generated from appliances.
To dampen the reverberations that devices such as wine coolers emit, there are various soft surfaces and materials that you can install within your home. Materials and surfaces such as:
- Heavy curtains,
- Plush carpets,
- Thick wool blankets
- Upholstered furniture
Will work to prevent noise from bouncing around the room.
Further, if you are in the early process of building your home, you could even consider installing some sound-proofing materials within the foundations if you are planning on installing appliances such as large wine coolers.
Whilst this method won’t entirely eliminate the sounds of your wine cooler, they will soften them and dampen the overall sound transferred from your appliances.
3. Get Help From a Repair Technician
If you are looking for a more permanent solution to reduce your wine cooler noise, you may want to consider getting the help from a professional repair technician.
The technician will be able to determine whether the wine cooler is performing as it should be or whether it is in need of repairing/replacing.
It might be that the source of the noise is something as simple as needing its fan cleaned, or it could be something more severe.
It’s best to find this out from someone who knows exactly what they're doing so you can tackle the problem head-on.
Also check to see if your wine cooler is still under warranty before contacting a repair technician as it may be eligible for a free service.
Manufacturer technicians will also be more specialised in the repair of your specific device.
Summary Of Why Your Wine Fridge Is Making Noise
All wine fridges will generate noise but usually the more expensive the wine cooler the quieter it is.
Generally wine coolers have noise levels from 35-45 dB depending on the brand and model but we recommend checking the model specification which will state the noise level of that particular product before purchasing.
The main causes of noise in a wine cooler are:
- Fans
- The starter
- The compressor
Looking for more? Take a look at these related posts:
- How Long Does Wine Last?
- Does Vibration Ruin Wine?
- Where Is The Best Place For Your Wine Cooler?
- How To Store And Age Wine?

james craven
July 18, 2024
My wine cooker regularly makes gasping sounds I have moved it away from the wall and vacumed the back exhaust area. Any suggestions to end the gasping sound?