Organic wine comes with its own conditions that need to be met for successful storage also.
We discuss what some of these requirements are down below.
- Maintaining the right temperatures – organic wine is best stored between 12-18 degrees Celsius. A wine cooler can help you manage this well.
- Using a dark area for storage – organic wine is even more sensitive to UV light than its regular counterpart. If you are worried about comprising on this for cooler arrangements, variations can help.
- Having a backup plan – If for any reason you cannot store your wine in a shrouded kitchen area, a wine cabinet in your garage should suffice nicely. They’ll even be effective outside – there are no glass panels, so UV light won’t manage to get in.
- Knowing time parameters – As mentioned, organic wine doesn’t last forever. Once opened, seal the bottle securely to prevent oxidation as you would with other wines.
Follow these measures, and your organic wine should be stored optimally.

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