We've pulled together a comprehensive list of common wine fridge error codes.
We can't guarantee the error code details are accurate as the meaning of the error codes can change depending on the device and manufacturer.
We don't endorse or recommend any particular action without consulting a service professional.
The list is for informational purposes only.
You can find brand specific error codes further down the article...
If your wine fridge is still in warranty we recommend contacting the retailer you purchased the unit from or the manufacturer directly for assistance.
Instructions for contacting a manufacture about a service or technical issue should be available in the product manual of the wine fridge.
If you're unable to fix your existing unit you can buy a wine fridge here.
Common Wine & Beverage Fridge Error Codes
Here are some common wine cooler error codes displayed on the display screen:
Error Code | Meaning | Action to Turn Off Alarm |
F1 | Compressor running > 3 hours | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
F2, F3 | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
F4, F5 | Compressor running > 3 hours | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
A1, A2 | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
E1, E2 | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
H1, H2 | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
L1, L2 | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
EE | Temperature Sensor Error | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
HH | High Temperature Error (Too Hot) | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
LL | Low Temperature Error (Too Cold) | Press "set" or light "ON/OFF" |
H8 | Display Panel Error | - |
Your wine fridge like has a problem due to one of the following reasons:

F1 Error Code - Compressor Error
The compressor has been running for more than 3 hours.
To turn off the alarm buzzing sound that occurs with “LL” or “HH” or “EE” or “F1”, press the “set” or light “ON/OFF” button.
This will cancel the alarm, but the error code will be shown until failure is resolved.
The compressor is located at the rear of most freestanding wine fridges.
F2 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor.
F3 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
F4 Error Code - Compressor Error
The compressor has been running for more than 3 hours
F5 Error Code - Compressor Error
The compressor has been running for more than 3 hours
A1 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
A2 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
E1 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
E2 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
H1 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
H2 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
L1 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
L2 Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor
EE Error Code - Temperature Sensor Error
Issue with temperature sensor.
To turn off the alarm buzzing sound that occurs with “LL” or “HH” or “EE” or “F1”, press the “set” or light “ON/OFF” button.
This will cancel the alarm, but the error code will be shown until failure is resolved.
HH Error Code - High Temperature Error
Wine fridge is too hot.
To turn off the alarm buzzing sound that occurs with “LL” or “HH” or “EE” or “F1”, press the “set” or light “ON/OFF” button.
This will cancel the alarm, but the error code will be shown until failure is resolved.
LL Error Code - Low Temperature Error
Wine fridge is too cold.
To turn off the alarm buzzing sound that occurs with “LL” or “HH” or “EE” or “F1”, press the “set” or light “ON/OFF” button.
This will cancel the alarm, but the error code will be shown until failure is resolved.
H8 Error Code - Display Panel Error
Issue with the display screen.
Wine Enthusiast Wine Cooler Error Code
EL Error Code - Issue with temperature sensor
Electrolux Wine Cooler Error Code
AF Error Code - "The air filter should be changed about every six months but it is just charcoal or baking soda or something like that and is not attached to any sensors.
To reset the flashing light, make sure the control panel is unlocked then hold down the on/off and (-) buttons and it will reset."
Marvel Wine Cooler Error Code
E1 Error Code - Issue with temperature sensor
CL Error Code - Condenser needs to be cleaned
Newair Wine Cooler Error Code
F1 - Cooling issue
Hoover Wine Fridge Error Code
E2 - Indicates a defective probe for defrosting.
Vintec Wine Fridge Error Code
E1 - Top sensor not working. The appliance continues to run as a single zone.
E2 - Indicates a defective probe for defrosting.
E3 - Bottom sensor not working. The appliance continues to run as a single zone.
Vinotemp Wine Fridge Error Code
No error codes available
Zephyr Wine Fridge Error Code
E1 - Communication issue with the touchpad and control board
Liebherr Wine Fridge Error Code
No error codes available
Magic Chef Wine Fridge Error Code
EEF - Not cooling because of issue with sealed system/compressor
Kelvinator Wine Fridge Error Code
E2 - Failed lower temperature sensor
Haier Wine Fridge Error Code
F1 - Temperature sensor error
F2 - Temperature sensor error
F3 - Temperature sensor error
F4 - Temperature sensor error
F5 - Temperature sensor error
A1 - Temperature sensor error
A2 - Temperature sensor error
E1 - Temperature sensor error
E2 - Temperature sensor error
H1 - Temperature sensor error
H2 - Temperature sensor error
L1 - Temperature sensor error
L2 - Temperature sensor error
EE - Temperature sensor error
HH - Temperature sensor error
LL - Temperature sensor error
H8 - Temperature sensor error
Can't Fix The Issue? Get the help of a Repair Engineer
- Finally, if none of the above points resolve the issue then contact a local refrigeration engineer or the manufacturer helpline. The problem and fix can then be identified during a repair visit.
- This maybe included as part of your products warranty but you'll need to check this with the manufacturer.
Please note: We cannot guarantee an experienced technician in your immediate area. If you are located in a remote area, you may need to find someone locally.
Important: Expert Wine Storage only provides references to service, installers, repair and/or freight companies only as a courtesy. Expert Wine Storage cannot be held liable for any third party service provider.
Disclaimer: Expert Wine Storage does not endorse or recommend any particular service provider. This list is provided for informational purposes only.
Please contact a repair facility of your choice and with whom your are comfortable working with directly. Specific repair facilities may specialize in and work on only certain items.
If you are unable to find a repair facility for your area on the below list, please refer to your local yellow pages or other directory of appliance repair shop.

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