Yes, you can store beer in your wine fridge, which is going to make every party you have from now on a whole lot easier.
If you want to keep your beer separate from your kitchen fridge, or just make sure its chilled to the perfect temperature, then putting beer into your wine fridge can be a really smart use of refrigerated space.
What's The Best Temperature for Beer in a Wine Cooler (3 Varieties)?
Just like wine, there are lots of different types of beer and they all require different temperatures.
As a general rule, beer likes to be stored between 3-13°C (38-55°F) but different styles of beer will prefer different temperatures.
Always check your thermostat on your wine fridge to see what temperature your wine fridge is running at and whether it is suitable for storing beer at, too.
Let’s take a look at some common beer styles and the storage temperatures they prefer.
1. Wheat Beers & Pilsners
Both wheat beers and pilsners are popular styles of Germanic beer and it’s important to get the temperature just right.
Store wheat beers and pilsners well chilled, between 4-10°C (40-50°F).
2. IPAs & Lagers
IPAs are all the rage amongst craft beer fanatics and for good reason, they’re delicious.
Both IPAs and Lagers are perfect beers for hot summer days, aim to keep them slightly warmer than wheat beers, between 7-10°C (45-50°F).
3. Sours, Bocks and Stronger Ales
This category of beer is one for the connoisseurs.
Sours, bocks and stronger types of ale are more complex styles of beer and as a result can handle being stored and served slightly warmer, at around 10-15°C (50-60°F)
Can a Wine Fridge Hold Beer Bottles?
While wine fridges are designed to store wine bottles (most are specifically designed for Bordeaux and Burgundy sized bottles) they're also able to easily store beer bottles too!
Shelving in wine fridges is designed to be quite flexible, so you should have no problem placing your beer bottles into the wine fridge, too.
You just may have to be flexible about how you store them:
- Lie beer bottles flat (on their sides) rather than standing
- Remove a shelf or two to give you more space
- Add a piece of thin sturdy material (thin wood) to a slated wine shelf to allow you to stand up beer bottles.
Can You Put Cans in a Wine Cooler?
Yes, wine fridges will be able to accommodate cans of beer with ease, which is going to make every gathering that bit easier to organise.
Cans or bottles, beer or wine, it can all fit in the same wine fridge!
So there we have it, the answer to all your beer storage needs.
Just remember to check the temperatures for specific styles of beer and try not to overcrowd the fridge in the process, or neither beer nor wine will get cold enough!
Also give the bottles time to get to temperature (nobody likes a warm beer!)
Before You Go...
We hope this provides you with all the answers on can you put beer in a wine fridge.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, or email us at
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