Wine is something that many of us are fans of in some capacity. Whether you are an avid wine drinker or someone who dabbles in the odd glass, it is undoubtedly an indulgence that proves its worth time and time again.
Is It OK To Store Wine In The Garage?
To the outsider, it seems like quite a straightforward practice. You buy a bottle of wine, either to consume the same day or to pop in the fridge. This could not be further from the truth!
Much like other alcoholic beverages out there, each bottle of wine that is distilled is entirely different to the next. With a unique taste, smell and texture, you must treat each as such.
At the same time, you must also consider how best to store wines. This could seem a bit daunting for anyone who is just branching out into their wine connoisseur journey.
With so many factors to monitor and consider, you don’t want to make a mistake. None more so than if you were to host a dinner party of some sort. The pressure of other people picking up on your mistakes is enough to put the wind up anyone.
However, you have found yourself in the right place. Detailed in this blog post, we will be breaking down how best to store wine.
More specifically, how you should correctly store wine in the fridge but within your garage. Whether you intend to know about this for future reference or an upcoming event in your social calendar, read on for more!
Can You Store Wine In the A Garage?
The most obvious thing to note here is that you cannot store wine bottles out and about in your garage without some sort of designated space.
For the most part, the garages in our properties are a vast space of wonder. Storing the likes of sports equipment through to last year’s Christmas decorations, there is generally an abundance of objects here.
If you intend to store wine in your garage because you do not have space for a kitchen or pantry racking, you will want to make a conscious effort to store the wine correctly.
One thing worth noting here is that the way you store wine in your garage will significantly depend on what type of wine you have selected and how soon you intend to consume said wine.
What's more, you want to make sure that the wine you are storing in your garage is out the way of any direct sunlight.
With reference to how you will be storing the wine and how it depends on the type of wine you are selecting, this leads us to the next section.
Can You Keep a Wine Fridge In the Garage?
This is where things get a bit challenging, but where we are here to help guide you through it! Navigating the options can be overwhelming, mainly if you are unsure what storage facilities you will need and whether you have the space for it overall.
Whether you are just setting out on your wine consumption journey, are someone a bit more experienced, or are in the process of renovating your home and want to include some specific storage for wine, we are here to help!
The first thing to note is that there are various options on the market, with some tailored for long and short term wine storage. We will go into this a bit more below.
Long Term Wine Storage Options
If you are intending to store your wine in the garage as a long-term solution, either to age the wine you have bought, or for other associated reasons, you will want to ensure you have a wine cabinet or a specially designed wine fridge.
Not only are these suited for those who are looking to keep wine for extended periods of time, but they are also ideal for any experienced wine connoisseurs intending to collect bottles of wine.
With freestanding wine cabinets available, you will be able to find one that suits your needs which can fit into the space you have available.
If you are not falling into this category and would like something to store your wine in as a shorter-term solution, read on to the next section!
Short Term Wine Storage Options
This is ideal for those wine fanatics who cannot resist temptation and open the bottle relatively quickly following purchase.
We get it; we have been there many an occasion ourselves!
That being said, when you buy the bottles of wine, you naturally want somewhere suitable to store them before you consume them.
Knowing the type of short-term storage options that are out there can be challenging, mainly if you are a complete novice when it comes to this type of thing.
While nothing stops you from storing the bottles in your wine fridge, where is the fun in that?
Wine fridges are incredibly popular in households up and down the country. These specific wine coolers are built into your kitchen cabinets or under counter; they can be visibly on display or hidden away.
The choice is entirely up to you.
On the other hand, built-in wine coolers are not for everyone. There are similar ones on the market providing the same facilities but are integrated into the design of your kitchen a bit more seamlessly.
You guessed it; these are integrated!
Working in very much a similar way to that of the built-in ones, the integrated wine coolers provide you with a sleeker look.
These wine coolers fit perfectly in line with the rest of the kitchen cabinets and cupboards in your home and sometimes look as if they are floating!
We hope this piece has shed some light on what options are available to you for storing your bottles of wine both in 2021 and beyond.
With something here to suit your every need, we feel confident you will be sipping chilled bottles of wine with friends and family in no time!
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Final Thoughts
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, or email us at
You can browse more posts on Wine Storage here.

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