An average 150ml serving of Sauvignon Blanc wine is 120-130 calories, depending on the exact style and brand.
Calories in Sauvignon Blanc Wine Styles
Unlike grapes such as Chardonnay and Moscato, Sauvignon Blanc tends to come in two styles: New World or Old World.
Sauvignon Blanc will have a different taste profile, depending on whether your Sauvignon Blanc is from France or New Zealand, but the calorific content won't vary too much across styles.
Always check in with your wine retailer for the nutritional information of each wine, but you can expect most of your Sauvignon Blanc wines to have between 120-130 calories a glass.
How Many Calories in a Glass of Sauvignon Blanc
On average there are about 120 - 130 calories in a 150ml glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
The exact size of your glass of white wine, as well as the brand or producer behind it will affect the amount of calories in your glass but the number should not vary wildly from the above figure.
How Many Calories in a Bottle of Sauvignon Blanc
If there are around 120 - 130 calories in a 150ml glass of Sauvignon Blanc wine then that means there will be about 600 - 650 calories in a 750ml bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.
Nutrition Facts of Sauvignon Blanc
Let's take a look at the nutritional value of a glass of Sauvignon Blanc:
- Total Fat 0g
- Trans Fat 0g
- Total Carbohydrates 3g
- Protein 0.1g
Calorie Count: Sauvignon Blanc vs. Other Alcoholic Drinks
Okay so we know a Sauvignon Blanc can contain around 120 - 130 calories in a 150ml glass, but how does this compare to other glasses of wine?
Here are some popular styles of wine and the calories you can expect to find in them, so you can compare the calorie content of your favourite drinks:
- Merlot: 115 - 130 calories
- Cabernet Sauvignon: 105 - 130 calories
- Pinot Grigio: 104 - 125 calories
- Chardonnay: 95 - 150 calories
- Riesling: 118 - 130 calories
What Are The Health Benefits Of Sauvignon Blanc?
Knowing the calorie content of your favourite white wine can be a huge help in creating a balanced and nutritionally diverse diet.
Sauvignon Blanc is low in residual sugar and contains antioxidants so can play an important role in a balanced diet.
Before You Go...
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